Tamara Grünzweil
HapBee Christmas: A story about our agency life
Autor: Tamara Grünzweil

Some may wonder what bees actually do in winter. Others may wonder how agencies actually create projects on their own. Let me tell you a story about that.

Once upon a time there was a creative advertising agency with a lot of creative people. This agency always procrastinates the creation of its Christmas mailing until the last minute. Every year. They talk about it in the summer, but then they say: " No worries, we still have time anyway". And then, as it happens, completely unexpectedly, it's the end of October. Sh**. Of course, the agency doesn't want to send out a generic mailing, but rather something creative that also requires production time. The agency is used to working under pressure, so they work at full speed. There was already the basic idea of the self-designed socks. Then there was the pun to turn B2B into Bee2Bee. Then the nice beekeeper from the meadow next to the agency came and offered his honey.

The question of the day: How exactly are socks and bees connected?

Within a week, the idea was thrown overboard about 10 times because delivery times were too long, ideas too weak or too elaborate.

And so the order came to the excellent designer Chris, who is also a great copywriter, to come up with a nice story and think about what bees and socks actually have in common. As luck would have it, he is currently working privately on the conception and illustration of a children's game. In this mindset, he shook a honey-sweet Christmas story out of his sleeve in the form of a poem. There was still a week to go before - whatever - had to go to the printer for production. Chris asked uncertainly, "What do you say we illustrate it into a children's book?". And here is exactly what this agency is all about, spontaneity, flexibility and creativity. A clear answer: "Yes, let's do it!"

So Chris and Noel are illustrating a book day and night. And socks, of course.

The big Bee2Bee Christmas mailing containing the illustrated book and regional bee products.

The HapBee End

The beautiful little booklet will be delivered in time. The socks with Christmas bees, Valentine bees and Easter bees have been ordered and will soon be sent to their recipients. And all this is just the beginning of the SPS Bee2Bees. So stay tuned to see what the bees do next.

The resolution

The question of what the bee and socks have in common still remains unanswered, doesn't it?

Actually, it's logical: bees need something to do in winter. You can find out exactly what that looks like here in the online edition of our sweet book.

I want that too!

What a coincidence: You are also thinking about publishing a children's book or a direct mailing? Then get in touch with me. But maybe with a little more lead time than a week ;)
