Tamara Grünzweil
HapBee Easter: Hippity Hop into the Springtime Spirit
Autor: Chris Berger

It’s that time again! Spring has sprung, the birds are chirping, and Easter is just around the corner. Whether you celebrate with a big family gathering, a backyard egg hunt, or just a peaceful day off, there’s no denying the simple joy that comes with this holiday. So, grab your pastels and your sweet tooth, and get ready to hop into the Easter spirit. It’s time to embrace the renewal and new beginnings that this season brings

With that in mind we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to take a chance and make new connections. Who knows what amazing opportunities and experiences could be just around the corner?

Plus, life is oh so much sweeter with good friends by your side.

Direct Mailing for Easter Just Got ‘Egg-stravagant’

Despite all the digital hype these days, there’s just something special about receiving a personalized piece of mail that makes you feel special. And guess what? The same goes for potential clients! By sending targeted mailings directly to them, you can catch their attention and stand out from the digital noise. Plus, you can totally customize your message and design to speak directly to your ideal customer, making them feel like you’re speaking directly to them. And let’s not forget the importance of building brand awareness and trust. By providing valuable insights and information in your mailings, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and gain the trust of potential clients.

And at the end of the day who doesn’t love a good direct mailing filled with chocolate?

Yup, you heard me right. Filled. With. Chocolate. Plus some other goodies (including our limited edition SPS Easter themed Bee2Bee sock) that I was hoping to keep for myself. But sacrifices do need to be made for the good of the company. Part of the crew, part of the ship, and all that kind of jazz.

And accompanying all this sweet goodness, part two of our illustrated Bee2Bee story, started for our Christmas mailing last December.

The finished Easter mailing: socks, candy, egg cups and, of course, a folder with the illustrated story

Bee2Bee 2: Easter Boogaloo

Coming into work one Monday I was surprised to find a large assortment of easter chocolates waiting on my desk! What had I done to deserve such chocolaty goodness? I don’t recall making any big marketing moves in the last few weeks. I wanted to thank my sweet tooth benefactor, but who?

Moments later to my absolute horror, I was informed that the chocolate wasn’t for consumption - but for inspiration…

Only last December, alongside a short Christmas story featuring our friendly neighborhood bees we rolled out a small Bee2Bee holiday sock mailing campaign to great success. Where our clients had the chance to order a custom-designed sock of their choice! We had a blast coming up with fun and festive designs that everyone loved! So, it was only natural to expand our Bee2Bee Christmas adventures into easter, socks and all! After all, bees are nature’s candy connoisseur, so why shouldn’t they get involved our sweetest of celebrations?


After a quick brainstorm,

all done in one night.

I concocted a few verses

That felt just right.


Sitting at my computer,

tapping on the keys.

Coming up with rhymes

with surprising ease.


All about the bees

and their busy adventures.

With the easter bunny

and his attitude: never surrender.


A story to amuse,

one to remember.

Just for our clients,

something something rhymes with remember.


The main gist of the story revolves around a stressed-out Easter rabbit getting help from some friendly neighborhood bees. Deliciously saving easter through the power of teamwork! So with that in mind we threw together some quick rhymes, combined it with Noel’s incredible illustration skills and created a comic-book-style -short-story we hope you’ll love!

As I imagined scenes of the Easter Bunny and the bees working together to make and hide the Easter eggs, I realized that this was a story that kids would love. It was filled with fun characters on an exciting adventure, and a message about the importance of teamwork and cooperation. It just goes to show that inspiration can come from anywhere, and that with a bit of creativity and hard work, you can turn even the most unlikely idea into something magical.

Needless to say, I ate all the chocolate, and then had to spend even more time at the gym to work off my Easter guilt.

May your Easter be as sweet as the chocolate in your basket and as colorful as the colors on your Easter eggs. Happy Easter wishes you Chris, Junior Art Director and Bee2Bee Creator at SPS MARKETING.

I want too!

Would you also like to surprise your customers with a creative direct mailing? Get in touch with us!
