Tamara Grünzweil
Effective Strategies for your B2B Video Marketing
Autor: Mag. Sandra Seck

Introducing our first podcast episode for 2024! Prepare for an explosion of captivating topics this year! Dive into the world of video marketing and unlock its full potential with Patrick Lee, Senior Marketing Manager at Magna Powertrain. In Episode 05 of the B2B Experience Hub Podcast, Patrick shares his expertise on creating engaging videos that bring complex products to life in the world of B2B.

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"Try to catch the attention and then try to keep it!" Patrick Lee's passion for both cars and captivating videos is evident in his work. With a blend of creativity and technical prowess, he and his global team seamlessly integrate powerful tools into marketing strategies. In the tech-driven world of B2B, Patrick's innovative approach revolves around giving products a name and a story, recognizing the transformative impact it can have. Tamara and Peter, he unlocks the secrets of effective video marketing and reveals the many benefits for B2B marketers. Using the EtelligentTerrain BEV Powertrain Solution video, crafted for Magna, as an example , they showcase how even intricate technologies can be effectively communicated. Moreover, they explore how these videos connect with audiences and encapsulate an essential lifestyle. They pose the question:

Find out more: This is what B2B video marketing is all about!
Click here for podcast episode 05:

Bringing a wealth of experience from his tenure at Magna Powertrain, a global automotive leader, Patrick Lee combines deep industry knowledge with strategic acumen. With a successful sales background in engineering, Patrick offers a unique perspective on driving business growth. Leading a global team and specializing in product and brand communications, he expertly navigates complex markets. As an avid car enthusiast, Patrick firmly believes in the power of marketing to enhance sales through strategic alignment with sales efforts.

Curious about the secrets behind successful video production? Discover more about the topic here.
