Clarissa Eibl
The Power of Moving Images: The Effective Integration of Video Content Along the B2B Sales Funnel
Autor: Clarissa Eibl

Video content is gaining increasing significance in B2B marketing when it comes to addressing potential customers, convincing them, and ultimately turning them into actual customers (and keeping them afterwards as well). Motion pictures offer us endless possibilities to promote brands and products in creative ways.

However, it’s only by strategically placing video content along the sales funnel that companies can really convey their message at the right moment. In this article, we explain how different types of video content can be used in the individual phases of the sales funnel to achieve real success with a video content strategy.

They Ask, You Answer

To ensure the right content is chosen, it’s important to consider what the target group is concerned with at different times. True to the motto: They ask, you answer. In this way, we have the answers to our target group’s questions. This approach helps (potential) customers feel understood and supported in each phase of their purchasing decision. This, in turn, builds trust and leads to strong customer loyalty over the long term.

The four phases of our B2B sales funnel: Awareness Phase, Consideration Phase, Decision Phase & Retention Phase

Awareness Phase: Informative Explainer Videos

In the top phase of the sales funnel, it’s all about raising potential customers’ awareness of a product. This is where informative explainer videos come in handy. These videos should explain how the advertised product can solve problems or challenges in a short and sweet manner. Animations or graphics help make complex content visually appealing, making it easier to capture the target group’s attention.

Ideas for B2B Explainer Videos:

Consideration Phase: Case Studies and Customer Reports

Once potential customers show interest in a product, it’s important to deepen that interest and build trust in the company. This is where case studies and customer testimonials come into play. By providing insights into real-world applications of the products, it becomes clear that the product has helped other companies to develop successfully. Authentic experiences from other businesses enhance a brand’s credibility.

Ideas for Case Studies & Customer Testimonials:

Decision Phase: Product Presentation and Webinars

In this phase, potential customers have already chosen a solution and are now ready to make an informed purchasing decision. B2B purchase decisions are complex, so this phase is all about supporting customers in gaining enough approval and support for their decision from within their company. To persuade during this phase, product presentations or webinars are ideal. These formats help to present the product in detail, answer questions, and address individual needs. Webinars enable interactive engagement with potential customers..

Ideas for Product Presentations and Webinars:

Retention Phase: Cross-selling & Customer Loyalty

After the customer has made the purchase, the focus shifts to strengthening the relationship and turning the customer into a loyal repeat buyer. Videos in this phase should help customers get the most out of the products they purchased. Customers should feel that a long-term partnership is really worthwhile through video content tailored to their individual needs.

Example Topics for Personalized Offer Videos and Follow-up Videos:

Strategically integrating video content along the sales funnel elevates B2B marketing strategies to a whole new level. By addressing the specific needs and expectations of potential customers, a company builds a customer’s trust in the company, increasing the likelihood of conversions. Simultanesouly, strategically placed video content helps solidify customer relationships and reinforce brand loyalty. A wide range of video content achieves the best impact and has a lasting positive influence on B2B customers’ purchasing decisions.

Clarissa Eibl

Digital Marketing Manager & Teamlead - SPS Marketing