Tamara Grünzweil
Inside B2B Marketing India
Autor: Mag. Sandra Seck

It's here, our Podcast No. 02! We bring India onto the stage. The sleeping giant of Asia is awakening and advancing to become a big player behind China. A huge market that is also becoming more and more exciting for Western marketeers. Our new episode does one thing particularly well: provide insider information on B2B marketing in India and thus, make the very complex market more understandable!

Listen Now! Click here to listen to the new episode:

Yes, India is a vibrant market. And no, simply rolling out Western marketing concepts won’t result in you raking in success. Why doesn’t it work? Just listen to the new episode – for more than one Aha! moment.

"India is simple as soon as you understand its complexity!"

Pratik is a marketing expert from Mumbai. In this new podcast, he takes our hosts Tamara and Peter on a journey into the Indian marketing landscape and talks about B2B marketing strategies, trends, and the ins and outs of a market that is unmanageable to outsiders. With over 30 different regions and a population of nearly 1.4 billion, just defining the target audience becomes one heck of a challenge! "Don't look at India as one country!" advises the CEO and Creative Director of Goldmine Advertising, an independent national marketing agency founded by his father back in 1988. In a way, he has marketing in his genes and brings across his many experiences from creative development in a fascinating and very lively way: What channels are best served, what mindset is needed to reach Indian customers and what expectations do they have? You can look forward to these and many other exclusive insights into the land of diversity and contrasts! A personal podcast recommendation from Pratik, who uses the dead time every morning on his way to work to let his mind run free and inspire himself: We should all listen to more podcasts to find out more new things! Why not go on a journey of discovery tomorrow morning, too - with "Inside B2B Marketing India"!

Listen in on your way to work! Click here for the new episode:

Pratik Singla completed his education in India, the UK and Amsterdam and earned a master's degree in advertising and design from the University of Leeds. His passion: storytelling. With it, he has helped well-known brands like John Deere India, Apar Industries, Bharat Petroleum, Eni Lubricants and Bank of Baroda succeed. His trademark: Tailoring brand strategies for hyper-localized connections and building responsive brands in a hyper-digital world. 

His agency, Goldmine Advertising, is the latest addition to the international E3 agency network, in which SPS MARKETING is also actively involved.
