Clarissa Eibl
5 questions to ask before an online campaign
Autor: Clarissa Eibl

Planning and implementing an effective online campaign requires a thorough analysis of our clients' goals and needs. For us as an agency, it is crucial to ask the right questions to ensure that the campaign meets our clients' expectations and achieves measurable results. In this article, we will highlight the most important questions we always ask before implementing a new online campaign.

Campaign goal

1.    What is the goal of the campaign?

This question seems very banal, but it is crucial and not so easy to answer for many companies. Thorough preparation is the key to the success of a B2B online campaign. In the heat of the moment, it happens time and again that the original campaign goal gets lost. This can lead to frustration in terms of results. This is something that must be avoided and therefore the goal of the campaign should be defined early on and kept in mind for all decisions. 

Measuring uccess

2.    How can the success of the campaign be measured?

An effective campaign requires a clear idea of how its success will be measured and evaluated. When the overall goal is to increase sales, this can quickly become a challenge in B2B marketing. That's because B2B buying decisions are usually very complicated and involve different decision makers. So you have to think carefully about which subgoals pay into the goal of the campaign and how to measure them. By focusing on measurable results, we as an agency can objectively assess the success of the campaign and make adjustments if necessary.

Lead definition

3.    How is a lead defined?

Only if we as an agency know what a qualified lead is for our customer and how it is treated in the further course, we can effectively align the campaign to generate such leads. In our workshops, we work with our clients to develop a special lead scoring system according to which the leads can be classified. Depending on whether it is a Marketing Qualified Lead or a Sales Qualified Lead, different Lead Nurturing actions have to be set. Online campaigns offer an enormous variety of possibilities here. Depending on where the lead is during its customer journey, targeted marketing measures can be used to address it and its current needs on an individual basis.


4.    What budget is available for the campaign?

When it comes to implementing online campaigns, there are virtually no limits to what we can do. From a simple brand awareness campaign on YouTube to a complex account-based marketing campaign including remarketing and newsletters, anything is possible. However, the effort required for setup and support varies considerably. One of our first questions is therefore always what budget is planned for a particular campaign. Only if we know this we can plan an individual campaign that is optimally tailored to the needs and financial possibilities of our customers.


5.    Have personas already been defined in advance?

Personas are fictitious, but data-based characters that represent our target group. They help align a company's marketing messages and communication strategy. When we know our client's personas, we can design target group-specific campaigns that effectively pay attention to the overarching goal. The targeting of our campaign depends on the personas just as much as the chosen communication channels and advertising media. Each component of the campaign must be tailored to the specific target group. Otherwise, valuable resources and budgets may be wasted.


Preparation is everything. Especially when it comes to complex B2B online campaigns. We are happy to clarify the above questions and many more before the start of the campaign in our kick-off workshops. This way, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the company's goals and needs. We can then develop customized campaigns that are tailored to our clients' specific requirements and deliver measurable results. Close collaboration between agency and company throughout the process ensures that our campaigns are implemented effectively and achieve the desired success.

Clarissa Eibl

Digital Marketing Manager & Teamlead - SPS Marketing